Med Spa in Los Angeles | Mirror Mirror Med Spa

6 Reasons to use the best Semaglutide GLP-1 and Tirzepatide Injections for Weight Loss

Semaglutide GLP-1 and Tirzepatide Injections

Weight loss journeys are deeply personal and often challenging. For many, traditional methods such as diet and exercise alone don’t always yield the desired results. In the evolving world of health and wellness, medical advancements such as Semaglutide GLP-1 and Tirzepatide injections present groundbreaking options. Here are six compelling reasons to consider these innovative treatments … Read more

3 Ways to Prolong Facial Filler Results

featured image for guide on 3 ways to prolong facial filler results

What prove the best ways to prolong facial filler results? Now hailed as “the new normal” across multiple countries–America included–facial fillers are being used to enhance facial symmetry and turn back the clock… but how long do they last, and what can you do to keep your results for as long as possible? Later we … Read more

Am I Too Old for Botox? What Age Is Too Late for Botox?

What Age Is Too Late for Botox?

If you think you’re too old for Botox, you’d be surprised how many people in their golden years use it. The truth is that there is no upper age limit when it comes to using Botox since it works by relaxing the facial muscles, which in our opinion, is a valid approach for people of … Read more

The Definitive Guide To Botox 2022

Why Use Botox? The main reason for using Botox is to smooth facial wrinkles and reduce signs of aging. However, Botox has other purposes, such as treating hyperhidrosis (too much sweating), bladder problems, contracted muscles, and more. At Mirror Mirror Med Spa, we apply Botox for cosmetic reasons. Many people get Botox for cosmetic reasons … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide to Lip Fillers in Los Angeles

Lip Fillers in Los Angeles

Juicy, inviting, plump. Some people are lucky to come into the world with such lips. Well, for those who are not among the lucky ones, beauticians come to the aid of fillers. Should we be afraid of this procedure? Many at the word “fillers” imagine overinflated lips – the consequences of the introduction of biopolymer … Read more

Compare and Contrast Restylane vs Juvederm

restylane vs juvederm

Restylane and Juvederm are two of the best-known brands of dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid components. Dermal fillers are becoming increasingly popular for correcting volume loss, enhancing cheeks and lips, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These two lines of hyaluronic acid-based fillers continue to develop exciting formulas designed to treat … Read more

Learn the do’s and don’ts of botox aftercare to keep your results looking amazing.

botox aftercare

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), more than 7 million Botox (botulinum toxin) injections were given in the U.S. in 2020 to treat wrinkles and medical problems. In comparison, only a little over two million injections using dermal fillers (Juvederm, Restylane, etc.) were given in 2018. So it’s not hard to determine … Read more

Do Lip Injections Hurt?

do lip injections hurt

Lip injections are a type of cosmetic treatment that is used to enhance the appearance of the lips. Their main purpose is to add volume and definition to the lips and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines around the mouth. Given how effective lip injections are, they have become all the rage today, and … Read more

How Long Do Lip Injections Last?

how long do lip injections last

We’ve been getting this question a lot from people. Read about Lip Injections and how long they last in this article. Are you interested to find out more about Forma skin tightening as opposed to lip injections? If so, follow the link. How Long Do Lip Injections Last? “So, exactly how long do lip injections … Read more

Does Kybella Work?

Does Kybella work

Kybella is a new, non-surgical treatment for reducing the appearance of a double chin. So, how does Kybella work? Kybella is made from deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps to break down fat. Kybella is injected into the fat below the chin, where it destroys fat cells. Kybella is approved … Read more